A Merciless University Student in Kenya has penned down a list of male students she has slept with and are reliable informed that they have been infected with the deadly HIV Virus. Here is what this devilish girl wrote on her Facebook Profile before late deactivating it after receiving a lot of threats.
“Well, I know people will condemn me for this but it is good I reveal the names of the 25 men who slept with me without protection during Masaku 7S. My name is Verah and I am a University of Nairobi student, Last year I attended a Rugby event in Nakuru and was raped by 6 men. When I went to hospital to check my status, I was told I am HIV Positive.
This was one of the most trying moment of my life. I wanted to commit suicide but then I thought about it and decided to revenge . My target is to infect 1000 men before I die and my mission has already started. I hate men for ra’ping me and whenever I see a Man, I look for all was to seduce him and most fall into my trap because I look beautiful and se’xy…A woman any man would die for.
I went to Masaku sevens and if you attended and slept with me without protection, Below is our name. Seek further medical attention and welcome to the world of HIV/AIDS .”
Robert Atoti – Student UON
Griffins Atika
Rouben Otieno – Rugby Player
John Lubaswa – Rugby Coach
Evans Mwakoi
Robah…I dont know his real names
Conrad Kamau
Brian Chweya – Student Kisii University
Man Solo – Nick name
Emmanuel Wafula
Jefferson Tanui
Ouko Senior
Nathan Sibi
Nickison Mhabashi
Ibrahim Ndinda
I will reveal the remaining 9 guys later!
Should ANY PERSON who knowingly infects their partner with HIV be given life sentence?